Cybersecurity Is Everyone’s Responsibility.

How does your organization learn about cybersecurity? Every person or device that accesses your company’s network is like adding another door to a building. Ask yourself, “Is the person responsible for using the door knowledgeable about the potential threats that could sneak in behind them?” Hackers continue to invent sneakier and more malicious ways to gain access to company networks. You probably practice or regularly inform your company of physical security practices, like locking doors, fire drills, and visitor check-ins. Do you put the same effort into cybersecurity?

Security Awareness Training teaches everyone in your organization the best practices for:

  • Safely navigating the digital landscape
  • Recognizing cyberthreats
  • Reporting cyberattacks

What Is Security Awareness Training?

Security Awareness Training is a formal training program geared towards employees of an organization that raises awareness about safe cybersecurity practices. Just like any business can be a target or a cyberattack, so can any employee.

As illustrated by Kevin Colborn, Senior Vice President of Network Operations and CIO at High Touch, “During security awareness training, employees learn about the risks of sharing personal information online and how to navigate our digital world safely and vigilantly. Growing up, we learn how to navigate the physical world safely and how to avoid dangerous situations. In our digital landscape, the types of information we share and the people we interact with are frequently more diverse and complex than in our physical world; however, we don’t always view digital safety in the same vein as physical safety. Focusing on security awareness training can help a business stay ahead of cyberattacks by informing employees on how to recognize threats and how to best avoid them with best practices.”

What Topics Are Covered During Security Awareness Training?

  • Safe Internet Usage. How to navigate the internet, know what common cyber threats look like, and best practices.
  • Social Media. How to safely use social media, detect potential threats, and avoid bad actors.
  • Phishing Attacks. What typical phishing attacks look like and how to avoid handing over sensitive information.
  • Remote Work. Safely navigating digital spaces and learning how to share important information securely in remote or hybrid work environments.
  • Data Privacy. How to protect and back up your essential data.
  • Remediation. What to do and whom to contact if you detect a cyberthreat or encounter a cyberattack.

Why Do Most Businesses Need Training in Cybersecurity?

network security

It’s an Investment for the Total Security of Your Organization.

An investment in security awareness training now can save your business big time down the road. If you’ve invested in physical security training in the past for things like access control and surveillance, consider investing in security awareness training as well. In addition to the actual cost of a cyberattack, Deloitte illustrates that there are many hidden costs for organizations to consider, including insurance premium increases, increased cost to raise debt, operational disruptions, lost value of customer relationships, value of lost contract revenue, devaluation of trade name, and loss of intellectual property.

Cyberattacks and Cybersecurity are Continually Evolving.

A robust security awareness training program includes ongoing education and testing for employees. If your business has invested in cybersecurity training in the past, it’s probably time to brush up on your skills. Security awareness training isn’t a one-time deal—cyberattacks are constantly evolving. While many cybersecurity best practices hold up, there are always new threats to be aware of.

Employees Need to Know How to Recognize and Report Cyberattacks.

Security awareness training covers all your bases when it comes to cybersecurity education and training. It’s one thing to know best practices for using internet-enabled devices, but what happens when employees discover an in-progress cyberattack? Do they know how to recognize different types of cyberattacks and viruses? More importantly, do they know what to do and whom to contact?

Cybersecurity Is Everyone’s Responsibility.

Everyone in your organization needs to know cybersecurity best practices and understand threats if your company wants to successfully prevent cyberattacks. Hackers don’t necessarily care if the device they’re attacking belongs to a salesperson, manager, or executive, as long as they can weasel their way into the system. Once they break into an entry point, hackers can snake through systems and hunt for valuable information. Painfully, most cyberattacks are user-initiated, meaning that someone must make a click or download something to grant the hacker access.. What to do and whom to contact if you detect a cyberthreat or encounter a cyberattack.

How Often Should Businesses Conduct Cybersecurity Training?

To be effective, you need to conduct security awareness training regularly. Technology is a fast-paced industry, and new cyberthreats arise every day. Hackers continue to get more vigilant in their attempts to gain access to networks. Regular education ensures you’re always thinking about cybersecurity and navigating digital spaces the safe way. You can also bolster formal security awareness training sessions with regular refreshers and tests.

Security Awareness Training Resources

FAQs: Cybersecurity

How Many Layers of Cybersecurity Do You Really Need?

Cybersecurity Self-Assessment