High Touch provides complete and integrated technology, software, and communications solutions for businesses in any industry.

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “That sounds great, but what makes High Touch different? What does High Touch do as a technology partner that’s different from any other technology retailer or reseller?”

Bringing the Human Touch to Technology.

At our core, our tagline, “Bringing the human touch to technology,” is what we strive to do as a company.

We’ve adopted this tagline as our company mission, because it truly defines what a technology provider should do: deliver a reassuring, real, and human-to-human experience within the inhuman and often confusing technology space.

Making technology accessible

Technologies are invented to make things easier. However, there’s often miscommunication between technology providers and consumers in terms of industry jargon, features, risks, and planning. New technology may be accessible to a CIO or IT Director, but the intricacies can be a hurdle for the person responsible for purchasing the technology or a business owner. For example, when you make purchases from a retail store, whether in person or online, you’re probably buying a retail version with retail licensing, not the commercial-grade version meant to support standard business application needs with proper business licensing.

That’s where we step in. High Touch can serve as an in-house IT department, supplement your existing IT team, or provide technology consulting services.

Oftentimes, businesses contact us because they need immediate help, or because their existing technology provider is unreachable. With High Touch as a technology partner, the Office of the Court Trustee discovered and developed custom software that can complete the work of an entire full-time staff member, and the USS Wichita Commissioning Committee was able to raise over $300,000.

In some cases, like with the Office of the Court Trustee, businesses have found a Holy Grail software component that will improve their business for years. In other cases, like with the USS Wichita Commissioning Committee, a nonprofit needed a website to raise money for a cause.

By adding the human touch to technology, we can help make it more accessible to the people who need it most.

Enabling peace of mind

Our success as a technology partner depends on your success as a business.

We understand how frustrating and stressful technology projects can be. We live and breathe that fresh-out-of-the-box laptop smell every day. Technology is expensive, involves important and sensitive data, and can be hard to trust. Additionally, technology downtime is expensive. According to Carbonite, “On average, downtime costs small businesses between $82,200 and $256,000 for a single event, which breaks down to $137 to $427 per minute.” How can you ensure that new technology will benefit your business in the long run?

Many of these concerns about technology have been around as long as we have. While gut hesitations may leave you with a notebook full of questions, we have the experience to help settle your stomach. We know hardware limitations, software requirements, phone connections, SEO best practices—the technology that helps you run your business. A technology partner ensures you get the benefits you’re promised by the product.

With U.S.-based support available, you can rest easy knowing you have a technology partner who has your back. Remember, in many cases, we’re recommending software that we’ll be supporting in the long haul—we want it to be as reliable as you do.

Translating technology into real business outcomes

Sometimes, you know you need new technology. Your computer crashes. Your website was last updated in the ‘90s. The custom inventory software you had built by some guy in his garage 15 years ago doesn’t do what it needs to anymore. The outcomes from these technology decisions are tangible and straightforward.

Other times, you know you need to improve your business and that technology can help, but you’re not quite sure how. You want to give your employees more personal time. You want to promote greater flexibility. You want better performance from your leaders. However, you don’t know which technology decisions are the best to make along the way.

As a technology partner, High Touch can help you discover the technology solutions to meet your business outcomes and expectations.

More than just a vendor

We focus on creating a human-to-human relationship with our clients through the technology lens.

Our goal is to provide the absolute best technology services and solutions, and at the same time, be conscious of your business goals and budget. While we want to help solve your immediate problems using technology, we also want to understand your business so that we can provide the most proactive, efficient solution.

A seemingly small problem can be a dive into a rabbit hole to greater opportunities. For example, the software your business depends on may be out of date and your business may need a new solution. Along the way, we may discover that new software can integrate with your website and streamline your entire customer experience with a little bit of coding know-how.

As a technology partner, our goal is to help you uncover those efficiencies, not throw a box in a bag and send you on your way.

High Touch’s Services, a La Carte

As a technology partner, High Touch can provide one service or a combination of services to build and deliver a comprehensive technology package that meets your business’s needs.

  • IT Solutions. This is what you probably think of when you hear “managed services” or “technology company.” Along with managed services, our IT Solutions team can provide network support and remediation, cybersecurity solutions, consulting, virtual CIO, hosted solutions, colocation, data backup and recovery, hardware, and help desk/support center services.
  • Software Solutions. These are the software programs and applications that help you run your business, including middleware, integrations, custom software applications, ERP software, mobile applications, and legacy software applications.
  • Business Communications. Your phones should be included in your technology plan to optimize the features of modern systems. We’re talking about phone systems, virtual collaboration tools, and HD video conferencing.
  • Website Services. Put your website to work for you. Our services include website development, website security, domain management, search engine optimization (SEO), and business listing management.
  • Security Solutions. Don’t risk losing your business from a cyberattack or robbery. Security Solutions include cybersecurity, surveillance, and access control.

Do You Still Have Questions About What We Do?

With an extensive menu of services and solutions, it can be difficult to pin down how a technology partnership with High Touch can help truly make things easier for your company. Our dedicated team of experts can discuss your business needs and challenges to help you discover the growth-minded technology tools that will help your business grow. Contact us to learn more.

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